Thursday, January 13, 2011

Football Hooliganism

clubs fight each other they win they rule
we just fans why do we abuse like fools
although it s on facebook we abuse each other
as it gets more intense in future it can lead to crying mothers

while abusing we tend to fget they our brothers
we ust fans of the beautiful game and its teams
so dont give out beams of hate
these can lead to a dead mate

some people say it shows passion for the beautiful game
but is the passion so important to erase someones's name ?
because we football fans and thats it !!
so dont get into this useless shit

so to erase hate i am writting this
i knoe tht instead of this could hve even made a diss
but it would hve created just more hate 
so pls follow me my mates

so support your team passion fully 
dont become a real life and cyber bully
and if you think these thing s are cool
you are standing on a knife you fool !!

--> atharva ghosalkar 

( i hope you people try and understand my message )

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