Sunday, January 22, 2012

Man United Vs Arsenal

Both teams entered the field with their heads held high
both wanting to kick the others ass and make the other cry
The first blow however came from the mighty MAn United
The ball went in the goal as valencia by giggs was Sighted

The game continued with a few injuries though
Phil Jones injured on the wing had to leave the show
RaFael had to enter to continue the flow

Arsenal had a talented LAd Alex was his name
18 was his age but superb wAs his game....
He silenced all critics , the only one who looked like a gun
Assisted RVP to make it 1-1.............

The First half ended both teams went for Rest
First 45 mins were good but the next 45 would be the best......!
Managers finsihing their team talks sending their boys back to the field
It was tied up so now both had to attack and not hold up the shield

One suprising decision made its way.......
Wenger pratically handed United the game people say...
Because he took off arsenals best player for someone who was more known
Little did arsene knew that hew was cutting his leg on his own...

Arshavin made the mistake which let Our MAin man valencia's show
Cutting through the defenders like through enemys heart an arrow
He passed it on to another legend in the making
from 10 yards away no chances he was taking.........
and 9mins from the finsih the winning goal he scored......
London had lost and MAnchester had won the Devil Crowd roared.......:D

- Atharva Ghosalkar

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Who are friends.....?

Friends , Friends you think they will be there
when you need help they will care....
So you devote your life to them
take them to be your precious little gem

But some of them just use you , you refuse to accept
Still go behind them , later you regret
When you need someone to talk to or share
hardly anyone is there....

then you realise what a fool you have been
Your own downfall you have seen
you just kept followin these creatures
soon they became your preachers
And the way you never studied in school
just coz you thought these people would think ur cool

You just wasted all your life
walking blindly on this knife
If your like me and realised yourself
dont waste your time on them coz time is wealth.....

Fake freinds are many true are rare
they are the only ones who will care
Never gonna be the man i was once
Coz i realised that true friends are rare and fakes are in Abundance

By : Atharva Ghosalkar

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Roy KEane Our Captain Fantastic

Wearing a red jersey the day he stepped on the field.........
He was a Red Devil his faith was sealed....
but he stood out from the rest.....
Instead of the club making him best he made the club the best

He was born to lead....
All he did was for the team he dint see if it was a good or bad deed
When he became Captain everything Changed
United enemys for him became like on a white cloth dark stains
and anyone who came in his way wont survive
people feared Roy KEane more than a knife !!

He was the idol for his team.......
he taught them how to dream....
if Keano would'nt have been there who knows how united would be
MAybe like a forest without trees
and atlast thanks you Keano for the 99 Treble
Roy KEane forevere Rebel

- Atharva Ghosalkar

Monday, August 8, 2011

Man United vs Man Shitty ;)

Oh MAn City you were so hopeful from the start
Scored one goal and thought you would break our hearts.....
and you scored another and went happy like clowns......
but you forgot Manchester United never back down ;)

Soon the second half began
and over your dreams as Usual we Ran.:P
Smallings startin the party up....
soon you would realise only thing in your trophy cabinet is a tea CUP :P

Oh and Nani added another one with a delightful Chip
Love seein you losers cry so i keep playin that clip :D
And CLeverly now we know Our Scholesy was never gone
You keep carrying his legacy on :D

When Nani scored the 3rd goal......
the ball went in the net but in every city supporters heart left a hole :D
Because we are MAnUnited and we never lose.....
you gonna keep playin us so get used :):) GGMU

-- Atharva Ghosalkar

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Message For CR7 Haters...;)

Ronaldo the freaking best player on earth........
tearing haters apart since birth ;)
he goes left he goes right
gives defenders sleepless nights ;)

goes through defences like piece of a cake
Bloody jealous haters call him fake
but they dont knw wht he did to get this far
he literally out of nowhere became a star

But what do you knw about his life
what do you know about his strive.?
He became what he his due to his Skill
he leaves down defenders spine chills......

Just because he left us doesnt mean we hate him"
we sold him because our financial situation was dim
and thats not it his dream was to play for madrid
the club his dad supported since CR7 was a kid

So haters better watch before you say...
just because you jealous , thts no reason to call him gay
he has proved it a million times and he will prove it again
his name is Cristiano Ronaldo remember the name ;)

-- Atharva Ghosalkar

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Proud To Be A Indian :)

Look at all this misery and pain.....
look at these life go in vain..
look at these beggers on the street...
poor people have nothing to eat...

look at their suffering for once......
we are less they are in abundance
we have developed but not this whole country
for that we need to feed every hungry

We need to understand our role towards the nation
to give these poor people some help make your mission
lets lift up this nation , lift up its pride......
lets leave its illitracy and poverty aside

Lets become equal in every field
lets become one another's shield
Lets take this nation up there where it belongs
lets make all right out of all wrongs.....

And then we will challenge anyone who dares.....
We will be the highest up there.....
And the world would be under our sight...
all we need to do is unite

And we would be on top , top everywhere.....
We would lay the path and the world will stare......
and with pride we all will say :D
I belong to India Yay !!!!!

-- Atharva Ghosalkar

The Difference Between Man Utd & Chelsea

Today its the Red vs The blues.....
The Supporters who cheer vs the ones who boo xD
The ones who play Fairly against the ones who cheat
the ones who use Players vs the ones who use Refrees to beat....

We are the ones who buy talents who are worthy...
not spending 50 million on shit to keep the club Sterdy.
Its the Most Genius Man vs The Newbie
its Manchester United vs Chelsea

Its PRide vs Money
its Friendship vs Fucking Team mates honeys ......
Its going to be Champions vs Wannabe's
Its going to be Ocean vs Seas !

Its going to be played in the Temple of a Bitch
going to be played in the Stamford Bridge.....
the place where Refrees get paid.......
the place where John Terry keeps getting Laid

But we will beat these Noobs with nothing but skill
We will give them a thrill
And then in Fear they will shake
We will put an Iceing to our cake

We will beat them Mercilessly
we will make them run with their Belly
and make them run so much while we hop
Chelsea Fc gonna lose the big big flop !!

We will bang Goals like Terry Bangs Whores....
If they start moaning we will bang some more
And then they will remember Who they are playing
Wake up now no need of paying ( the ref )
because anyway you gonna loose.....
we will mesmerise you so much that you will look on Booze
and then people will see the Real Blue.......
11 noobs running on the field without a clue

- Atharva Ghosalkar

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Red Is The Color....( My First Song/Anthem :D)

This is a Red World......
This is  Red Country
This is a Red Club....
This is a Red community..

Together we stand Side by side
Wearing Red we all unite...
And We cheer on our Favourite team
We cheer on in the Theatre Of Dreams....

Singing Glory Glory Man United oh oh
Singing Glory Glory Man United oh oh
Singing Glory Glory Man United oh oh
Singing Glory Glory Man United oooh yea...

Holding hands we come together....
No matter what is the weather....oh oh
Holding hands we come together....
No matter what is the weather....

WE come to Support Our Team .....
We come to the Theatre Of  Dreams..
We come to watch our legends in action........
We come to give that awesome Reaction...
We come Wearing Red.......
We love red and no other colour instead............

Red is the Color......
Red is the Country....
Red is the Club.....
Red is the Community...

We come together holding hands.......
We come together singing chants....ooooo

Singing Glory Glory Man United oh....
Singing Glory Glory Man United oh...
Singing Glory Glory Man United oh.....
Singing Glory Glory Man United oh...yea...

Red is the Color , the color we chose.....
We will stand by United whether we win or loose.......
We come to watch Fergie's babes in front of our eyes......
We Come to get mesmerised.....
We come To watch United Play
We come singing our chants on the way....

This is a Red World......
This is  Red Country...
This is a Red Club....
This is a Red community..

Together we stand Side by side
Wearing Red we all unite...
And We cheer on our Favourite team
We cheer on in the Theatre Of Dreams....

Singing Glory Glory Man United oh oh
Singing Glory Glory Man United oh oh
Singing Glory Glory Man United oh oh
Singing Glory Glory Man United oooh yea...

Holding hands we come together....
No matter what is the weather....oh oh
Holding hands we come together....
No matter what is the weather....

WE come to Support Our Team .....
We come to the Theatre Of  Dreams..
We come to watch our legends in action........
We come to give that awesome Reaction...
We come Wearing Red.......
We love red and no other colour instead............

Red is the Color......
Red is the Country....
Red is the Club.....
Red is the Community...

We come together holding hands.......
We come together singing chants....ooooo

Singing Glory Glory Man United oh....
Singing Glory Glory Man United oh...
Singing Glory Glory Man United oh.....
Singing Glory Glory Man United oh...yea.....

-- Atharva Ghosalkar

Edwin Van Der Sar - The Flying Dutchman

The man who was born to fly.......
the man who would make his opponents cry....
the man who was born to keep......
He is our Edwin our Dutch Peep

The worlds Best undisputed Keeper.....
he was the best thing couldnt have got him cheaper.......
We got a legend just for 2 million.......
He was like in front of goal a pavillion
Leaving no holes for the opponent to score.......
He is our Flying Dutchman , so high he soared..

Breaking records after records he couldnt stop
he made top strikers look flop......
First he became the most capped player for the dutch
but for him it still wasnt much....
then he went on to break several records of consecutive clean sheets....
for him looked possible all the feats....

The man at 40 still at his best........
The evergreen dutch who carries with pride our crest....
next year he will retire and we will miss him lot
The man who Stops Every shot........
the man who broke every time Chelsea's heart
His name is Van Der Saar and not Van Der Vaart xD

-- Atharva Ghosalkar

Ryan Giggs - The Ageless Player

The man who is like wine & grows better with age
The man who plays for Glory and not for the wage.
He is Winger but to get the ball he pounds every blade of grass
He is Our Ryan Giggs who has Ageless Class............

He is the man who dreamed to play for united
his talent by Sir Bobby was Sighted......
He was signed for no money at all.........
but it dint matter as his Dream was to ply in a Red Shirt with a ball

He is the man , the legend from wales.......
he is the one who through all the defences sails....
and in 1998-99 season on a day he proved
Running through Arsenals heart he Grooved......
And he scored the goal nobody Forget........
WE had him Everyone Would Regret.......

Now He is In England the most Decorated Player
Everyone Vote Giggsy For Mayor :D
He is The Man Who has the most Appearances For us
He is the man Who never gets Rust.....
And I am Sure He will Keep Playing For United......
The only thing we are witing for is Giggsy to be Knighted :D

-- Atharva Ghosalkar