Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Proud To Be A Indian :)

Look at all this misery and pain.....
look at these life go in vain..
look at these beggers on the street...
poor people have nothing to eat...

look at their suffering for once......
we are less they are in abundance
we have developed but not this whole country
for that we need to feed every hungry

We need to understand our role towards the nation
to give these poor people some help make your mission
lets lift up this nation , lift up its pride......
lets leave its illitracy and poverty aside

Lets become equal in every field
lets become one another's shield
Lets take this nation up there where it belongs
lets make all right out of all wrongs.....

And then we will challenge anyone who dares.....
We will be the highest up there.....
And the world would be under our sight...
all we need to do is unite

And we would be on top , top everywhere.....
We would lay the path and the world will stare......
and with pride we all will say :D
I belong to India Yay !!!!!

-- Atharva Ghosalkar

The Difference Between Man Utd & Chelsea

Today its the Red vs The blues.....
The Supporters who cheer vs the ones who boo xD
The ones who play Fairly against the ones who cheat
the ones who use Players vs the ones who use Refrees to beat....

We are the ones who buy talents who are worthy...
not spending 50 million on shit to keep the club Sterdy.
Its the Most Genius Man vs The Newbie
its Manchester United vs Chelsea

Its PRide vs Money
its Friendship vs Fucking Team mates honeys ......
Its going to be Champions vs Wannabe's
Its going to be Ocean vs Seas !

Its going to be played in the Temple of a Bitch
going to be played in the Stamford Bridge.....
the place where Refrees get paid.......
the place where John Terry keeps getting Laid

But we will beat these Noobs with nothing but skill
We will give them a thrill
And then in Fear they will shake
We will put an Iceing to our cake

We will beat them Mercilessly
we will make them run with their Belly
and make them run so much while we hop
Chelsea Fc gonna lose the big big flop !!

We will bang Goals like Terry Bangs Whores....
If they start moaning we will bang some more
And then they will remember Who they are playing
Wake up now no need of paying ( the ref )
because anyway you gonna loose.....
we will mesmerise you so much that you will look on Booze
and then people will see the Real Blue.......
11 noobs running on the field without a clue

- Atharva Ghosalkar