Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Never Give Up...

Never give up , Never give up
keep moving all though the target seems tough
life is full of challenges , acccept them
keep moving towards your target like a stem
never give up however tough the target may be
never give up whether you are walking on the land or swimming in the sea

Challenges are meant to be tough
the road is never smooth its always rough
If people say its something way bigger than what you achieved
reply simply by saying atleast i believed
For before becoming a smooth road it is just rough tar
keep moving ahead although the target maybe far

Let people taunt thats what they do
to oneself you should always be true
For people just come and go
what you want and can achieve only you know
for people can only taunt and doubt
they wont listen to you if you even shout
So keep moving to your target  ,  and once you reach
the people will be the audience and you will be giving the speech

Only you knoe what you are...
never give up even if the target is far
If you dare to dream dare to do
dont care if people shout and boo
If you are true to your self one day your target you will find
Keep moving its all just a game of the mind

Work hard for what you want and keep moving.....
Dont just keep saying ,  keep doing
For if you deserve it it will be yours
On the way if one is locked surely there will be another open door
If you believe and work for it nothing can stop you
always remember like you there are only few....
For others are scared of this cruel world
you are the only one who kept moving all though the way was curled
And it will always be.......
For some one to have shade some one needs to plant a tree
be the one who plants and not the one in its shade
people will remmeber you for out of your life something you made....

-- Atharva Ghosalkar

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy 101st Birthday OT.....:)

Today 101 years old will turn our 'Theater Of Dreams'
Home of the best team and nightmare for other teams......
The history of the ground never grows old..........
All others are silver our's is glittering gold..:D

saw some of the worlds best talent
none of them to face us at OT gallant
The other team would not last for a minute
Because at OT we were in it to win it....;)

At OT we load , shoot and kill.......
Opponents pee in their pants and fall like there is a oil spill :P
No one survived and no one will....
others cry while we chill.......B-)

OT where legends played........
Some went away while others stayed
But none dissapointing what so ever......
We would get the best talents , our managers were the most clever ;)

Our OT is now 101
the place where play the God's sons
OT will never get old and it will never die
looming at the trophy's rivals cry
Because nobody has achieved that and never can
OT the place where legends ran.....:D

-- Atharva Ghosalkar

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day Just Another Monday.....

Valentines day for me is just another monday
Eat , sleep , study and play
whats so special i dont understand
why do all people wear red clothes and love bands ?

the day of love as they say
Who gives anyway....:P
valentines day for me is just another monday
Eat , sleep  study and play

give a chocolate , give a rose
lets click a romantic photo.....give a pose
i dont knoe whats with these guys......;S
spending money on Useless buy's

in my life count of valentine days is 14
i just dont get !! (not being mean )
those who have expierienced it say its a wonderfull thing......
well tell me how long to each other do you cling ?

its just an ordinary day like another
so listen to me my sisters and my brothers
but i cant give you a final call
because it is something in which i am yet to fall...;P

if you dont have a valentine dont get glum
enjoy your single freedom......:D
if you dont have a valentine , dont get sad in anyway
for those who have , Happy Valentine's Day :)

- Atharva Ghosalkar

Manchester United Vs Manchester City

ooopsie dooodle doo
city we just fcuked you :P
i dont see any balotelli anymore
balotelli did you see the score ?
2 - 1 you read that right

giggsy showed again why he is 17
we bullied you city sorry if we were too mean :P
nani with a great finish
you are slowly slowly gonna diminish

saw who scored the goal that mattered :D
it was wazza ! the one who your dreams shattered :D
a goal that was oh my word !!
for us it was sweet for you it was sour like curd ^_^

we fcked you again at home.......
this year we will win our 19th and also take revenge of rome
this is how it feels to miss with a side full of devils
we also have smalling and rafael the next gary neville :D

we gonna kill everything which comes in our way this time......
after every match i will write a victorius rhyme
we will go above the sky...........
because Man Utd will never die......:)

Atharva Ghosalkar

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Club Will Always Come First.....

my passion for my club those who doubt
i am ready to have a bout..
my club is first then come the others
i still cant believe i was doubted by my brothers
you support ronaldo so get rid
you cry baby you are just a kid
various taunts i took since the epilogue
thats what made me to write this ,  it made me provoked

i support ronaldo but my club come first....
i am sorry vineet ultimatereddevil udeshi for the outburst
your continous taunts made me frustrate
i opened my minds gates
i typed anythin g that came in
whether it was worthy of a award or a garbage bin
but a man accept your fault
none of us are manchester united fans by default

we grew up and loved the club
for their matches going to cafe bar's and pubs
everyone is entitled to their own opinions
we are brothers lets not be villains

let me make this clear i love CR7
But he is nothing compared to  our clubs 11
i love him , love him a lot
but Manchester united occupies my hearts top spot :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Remembering The Busby Babe's

those busby babes who for united played
dint even live life completely before they were slayed
their last time together was on foreign soil
the last time together,before the turmoil

they were the best to ever play
the flowers of manchester now lay...
they rest in peace till this day
we shall never forget the god's cruel way
for he was jealous of the worlds best team
and our greatest manager with the greatest self esteem

Duncan Edwards the best best the world could have seen
he went away before his prime and to knoe how awesome he would have been then i am keen
when he was 18 he played for his nation
his football skills were like a temptation
 the other babes also to be never forgotten
for without them united would have rotten

Roger Burne,Eddie Coleman, Billy Whealen and Geoff Bent
the disaster they went through , in football was a big dent
never forget Tommy Taylor and David Pegg
all of them had a magical leg

for what they did on the pitch were the people's dream...
Manchester United the greatest team
they might have gone but we will never forget them
forever they will remain english football's gem..............

Atharva Ghosalkar

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Man utd vs Aston Villa

today at old trafford we played aston villa
for those who missed it it was a thriller !!
on the board of assists came vds's name
on the score sheet for wayne rooney happened the same :D
opened the scoring in less than a minute
everybody knew we were in it to win it :D

then came nani running down the left flank
he made defenders wank.....;P
his cross was a beuty to say the least
rooney scored again and we knew he had found inside him the beast.....:D

then villa got a consolation from darren bent
we let them have it to save a embaresment........:P
celebrating like they had won the match................
on their hearts vidic made the final scratch :D
our captain perfect.....
he is the one everybody should respect

how can we forget the legendary sir ryan giggs
he played with them like a small boy playing with twigs
running all around the place
he didnt even give the opposition time to tie their shoe lace...:P

all of this was possible only due to our god......
he modded the game without a mod :D
the legendary Sir Alex Ferguson......
hearing his name rival managers run......:D

still unbeaten still heading for the treble
we will continue maybe it maybe as awesome as a carpet or as hard as a pebble
because nothing stop us now............
next season come to our trophy cabinet and just go woo........:D

Atharva Ghosalkar