Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Never Give Up...

Never give up , Never give up
keep moving all though the target seems tough
life is full of challenges , acccept them
keep moving towards your target like a stem
never give up however tough the target may be
never give up whether you are walking on the land or swimming in the sea

Challenges are meant to be tough
the road is never smooth its always rough
If people say its something way bigger than what you achieved
reply simply by saying atleast i believed
For before becoming a smooth road it is just rough tar
keep moving ahead although the target maybe far

Let people taunt thats what they do
to oneself you should always be true
For people just come and go
what you want and can achieve only you know
for people can only taunt and doubt
they wont listen to you if you even shout
So keep moving to your target  ,  and once you reach
the people will be the audience and you will be giving the speech

Only you knoe what you are...
never give up even if the target is far
If you dare to dream dare to do
dont care if people shout and boo
If you are true to your self one day your target you will find
Keep moving its all just a game of the mind

Work hard for what you want and keep moving.....
Dont just keep saying ,  keep doing
For if you deserve it it will be yours
On the way if one is locked surely there will be another open door
If you believe and work for it nothing can stop you
always remember like you there are only few....
For others are scared of this cruel world
you are the only one who kept moving all though the way was curled
And it will always be.......
For some one to have shade some one needs to plant a tree
be the one who plants and not the one in its shade
people will remmeber you for out of your life something you made....

-- Atharva Ghosalkar

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