Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day Just Another Monday.....

Valentines day for me is just another monday
Eat , sleep , study and play
whats so special i dont understand
why do all people wear red clothes and love bands ?

the day of love as they say
Who gives anyway....:P
valentines day for me is just another monday
Eat , sleep  study and play

give a chocolate , give a rose
lets click a romantic photo.....give a pose
i dont knoe whats with these guys......;S
spending money on Useless buy's

in my life count of valentine days is 14
i just dont get !! (not being mean )
those who have expierienced it say its a wonderfull thing......
well tell me how long to each other do you cling ?

its just an ordinary day like another
so listen to me my sisters and my brothers
but i cant give you a final call
because it is something in which i am yet to fall...;P

if you dont have a valentine dont get glum
enjoy your single freedom......:D
if you dont have a valentine , dont get sad in anyway
for those who have , Happy Valentine's Day :)

- Atharva Ghosalkar

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