Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Glitz Glamour and Fame Is a Drug (football related)

A Footballer spoilt with all glitz and the fame
Forgets his and his teammates name
because all he wants is the stardom and the glamour
his mouth and mind stammers.....

now he plays for the money and not the game
its a addictive drug and its a shame....
the money,stardom and popularity pollutes his mind
he forgets what he learned and leaves all behind
he follows this path which will lead to his careers rust
but for him its a drug , its a must !

And when he reaches to the end of the cliff he realises
all this fame and money were evil disguises
But now he cant to do thing
he would have survived if to the love of the game he would have clinged

Now when he is about to jump.....
he is wasted like others who fell in this dump
its too late now....too late to go back
this drug took hil off track and now he lost track

this is the story of 1 ressembling all
this drug leads to of the greats downfall....
and the talented that they had was wasted
they tasted the drug and now the consequences they tasted

-- Atharva Ghosalkar

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