Saturday, January 15, 2011

Science ( The Most Hated And Boring Subject Ever !! )

science is a intresting and boring subject in our curriculum
it consists of all those chemical reactions and physics sums
also gives us audio visual learning
but it was so boring inside me to sleep would be a desire burning

biology physics and chemistry
they were so difficult i preffered them remaining a mystery
who was albert einstein who was isaac newton
their laws as they called it for us were a big confusion

trying to learn alpha,beta, gama
only one thing came in my mind hai rama !!
while learning physics ch 1 force ,my friend asked me is it boring
my reply : " ofcourse " !

sometimes i feel why did god create science
but for it i also do have a great admirance
as without it the world would never develop
i guess people would never even see a cup :P

science o science i know you are important
but your formulas are difficult to learn ( although shortened )
but we learn with the hope for a better future life
with family kids and a wife
and i do respect your knowledge
but why do you have to trouble us all through school and college

- atharva ghosalkar


  1. good composition! and eventually true...

  2. Life is complex and challenging and it is here that the strong standout. So my son though sometimes somethings not to ur liking and boring the skill lies in making it fun.

    The composition is good but i would suggest trying to make difficult / boring things more motivating / interesting for others to learn.
